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Liste der aktuellen Kartentexte

Posted: 16 Sep 2019, 16:02
by Rudolf
The official card texts files have been updated today. They contain all the cards with the latest cardtexts and errata up to the 25th anniversary edition plus the promo cards that have been released lately (including the CC Barons, Nefertiti advanced and Tangle Atropos' Hand).
Some cards that only appears in the Berlin Anthology set and haven't been reprinted since are identified as "LARP" -- they will be reprinted at some point.

The BETA version of the card texts is discontinued. Its purpose was to detect errors in the reworded cards before they get to print but it has not been productive enough and has led to a general confusion. From now on, only the official card texts will be published on the VEKN website. If you have been using the BETA version, please switch to the official files ( ).

We are working on translating VTES to foreign languages. Rewording the cards beforehand has been extremely useful, and I would like to thank everyone that helped reporting errors.
Prince of Paris, France File Attachment:
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

[Quelle: ... gram#97008]

Unter dem oben angegebenen Link findet ihr die aktuelle Liste. Diese zeigt (hoffentlich ^^) für alle verfügbaren Karten das geltende Wording.