Dear all,
This is the official announcement of the next Belgian tournament, right on time to celebrate the undying love between Methuselahs!
*** True Love's Face, Mechelen ***
Date: Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Registration: 10:30
First round starting time: 11:00
Expected finishing time: 20:30-21:00
Type of Event: Standard Constructed
Proxy cards are allowed. See the instructions for the use of proxies and of cards from printable V:EKN expansion sets in sections 4.5 and 4.1 of the tournament rules .
Number of rounds: 3 + final
Time limit per round: 2 hours
Address of Event:
Spelfanaat Mechelen
Putsesteenweg 17,
2800 Mechelen
Drinks and catering options (tbc) are available on site.
Entry fee: 5€ (tbc)
*** Pre-registration ***
Pre-registration is very useful to ensure appropriate prize support and a timely start of the tournament. If you intend to participate, please sign up as soon as possible by replying to this thread (with your name and VEKN number) or joining the Facebook event (upcoming).
*** How to reach ***
By public transport: Spelfanaat is situated at 20 minutes walking from train station "Mechelen Nekkerspoel"
If you arrive from Paris/London/Berlin... you will end up at Brussels South Station (Gare du Midi), where most trains going towards Antwerp will stop at Nekkerspoel. Coming from the Netherlands, most trains from Antwerp to Brussels will stop at Nekkerspoel.
By car: there are ample parking possibilities in the area.
We hope to see many of you in Mechelen on February 15th!
Emiliano, Maaike and Tom