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Power of all

Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 16:06
by Männele
Übrigens, mit Power of all können selbstverständlich DOCH auch Masterkarten in der Masterphase gecancelt werden, weil es einfach DRAUFSTEHT (rtfc, verdammt :lol: ) :

Power of All, Reaction, 2 blood, anarch, C , [TR]
Requires a ready anarch. Tap this anarch and one other untapped ready anarch you control to cancel a library card as it is played. Usable even if there is no action. Not usable during your own turn.

Wenn es nicht draufstünde, könnte man es natürlich nicht, weil keine Reactionkarten ohne Action gespielt werden können.

Re: Power of all

Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 16:21
by ghost of extrala
Männele wrote:Übrigens, mit Power of all können selbstverständlich DOCH auch Masterkarten in der Masterphase gecancelt werden, weil es einfach DRAUFSTEHT (rtfc, verdammt :lol: )
Interessant .. und dann natürlich Event Karten!

Re: Power of all

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 05:08
by Rudolf
Ich wusste, dass die Karte insbesondere im Draft gut ist - aber dass sie sooo gut ist ... arrrghh! :(((

Re: Power of all

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:05
by ghost of extrala
Es wird immer interessanter: "Power of All" kann Event oder Master Karten canceln, aber nicht Combat-Karten.
LSJ wrote:REVERSAL: Power of All cannot be played during combat.
Vollständiger Thread: ... c08b2e6197

Re: Power of all

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 14:33
by Maö
"So 2 anarchs can get together and stop the end of the world, but can't possibly stop someone from getting punched hard in the face!"

Re: Power of all

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 17:52
by ghost of extrala
Maö wrote:"So 2 anarchs can get together and stop the end of the world, but can't possibly stop someone from getting punched hard in the face!"
Jau ... :no:

Re: Power of all

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 15:40
by Decebalus
Erklärt mir mal einer, wieso durch den Card-Text Combat-Cards ausgeschlossen sind? (Ein ruling muss sich ja auf irgendwas stützen!?)

Re: Power of all

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 15:57
by Serazahr
Decebalus wrote:Erklärt mir mal einer, wieso durch den Card-Text Combat-Cards ausgeschlossen sind? (Ein ruling muss sich ja auf irgendwas stützen!?)
During combat only combat cards can be played.

Von LSJ, musst den thread mal nachgucken.

Re: Power of all

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 17:48
by blueporky
Decebalus wrote:Erklärt mir mal einer, wieso durch den Card-Text Combat-Cards ausgeschlossen sind? (Ein ruling muss sich ja auf irgendwas stützen!?)

Weil :

In message <nA56k.5817$>, LSJ

<> writes:
>François wrote:
>> Can Power of All be played during combat ?
>> In general, reactions that can be played during combat are written
>> such, wich is not Power of All's case, but considering what I believe
>> to be the card's "designer intent", I am wondering...

>Yes, just as DI can be played in combat, despite lacking the same wording.

Master cards aren't prohibited from being played in combat though.
Minion cards are, and Power of All is a minion card.

6.4: Note: The only minion cards that can be played during combat are
combat cards (unless a card states otherwise, of course).

The rules prohibit Power of All (and it has no text as referred to by
the rules). The rules do not prohibit DI being played in combat, so it
doesn't need such text.

Additionally, if such text were needed on DI, "If it was a strike card,
the minion chooses another strike" could be taken as a clumsy indication
that it can be played in combat, since there are no strike cards that
aren't combat cards that I can think of. (The rule book seems clear
that strike cards and weapons aren't the same thing, for example.)

Therefore, I think you're wrong. DI has no such text because it doesn't
need it - only other minion cards are prohibited in combat. By 6.4,
Power of All does need it, and does not have it.

Re: Power of all

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 21:52
by Mateusz
Klingt logisch, aber wer würde den auch an den Worten von LSJ zweifeln, das ja fast schon Häresie Image :P

Re: Power of all

Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 18:04
by Decebalus
Mateusz wrote:Klingt logisch, aber wer würde den auch an den Worten von LSJ zweifeln, das ja fast schon Häresie Image :P
Es geht nicht um Häresie. Aber ich kann mir rulings besser merken, wenn ich weiß, warum sie gemacht wurden.

Und tatsächlich ist LSJ manchmal etwas schräg, seine rulings sind aber nie willkürlich.

Re: Power of all

Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 19:12
by Männele
Das Lustige bei diesem Ruling ist, dass er selbst den Punkt 6.4, also nur Combat Cards (als Minion Cards) in Combat, selbst erst vergessen hatte und entschied, dass Power of All spielbar sei. Erst später, nachdem er auf diesen Punkt des Regelwerks hingewiesen wurde, schrieb er ein Reversal seines Rulings.